optimal approximation

英 [ˈɒptɪməl əˌprɒksɪˈmeɪʃn] 美 [ˈɑːptɪməl əˌprɑːksɪˈmeɪʃn]




  1. The Optimal Approximation of Matrices on Some Closed Convex Cone; relating to or resembling a cone.
  2. A new application of genetic algorithm in FIR filter with weighting Chebyshev optimal approximation method is presented.
  3. Central-Symmetric Minimal Rank Solutions and Its Optimal Approximation to A Class of Matrix Equation
  4. In the case of the set of semi-definite symmetric matrices, a MATLAB program and a numerical example for the optimal approximation numerical algorithm are given.
  5. Total Least-Squares Solution for Inverse Problems of Real Matrices and Its Optimal Approximation
  6. Optimal Approximation Problem of Antireflexive Matrices under the Spectral Restriction
  7. The Related Matrix Equations Problems of Row ( Column) Symmetric Matrices and Their Optimal Approximation
  8. Inverse Problem of Doubly Center Matrices under Submatrix Constraint and Its Optimal Approximation
  9. Algorithm for the Optimal Approximation Solution of the Matrix Equation
  10. The Solution for Two Kinds Constrained Matrix Equation Problems and Associated Optimal Approximation
  11. This paper discuss the inverse problem and the optimal approximation of anti-symmetric ortho-symmetric matrices.
  12. In addition, for the minimal rank solution set, the expression of the optimal approximation solution to a given matrix is derived.
  13. Besides, the problem of using centro symmetric matrices to construct the optimal approximation for a given matrix is discussed. The necessary and sufficient condition about the inverse eigenvalue problem and the expression of the solution are also provided.
  14. Secondly, as for degree reduction of interval rational Bezier curves, two methods are given: Pseudo Linear Programming Method ( PLPM) and Pseudo Optimal Approximation Method ( POAM).
  15. Therefore, the authors make studies on the application of RBF networks in intrusion detection, aiming at its property of optimal approximation.
  16. The best approximation to a given matrix is considered. The existence and uniqueness of the optimal approximation are proved and the optimal approximate solution to a given matrix in the solution set is also given.
  17. The adaptive compensation term of the optimal approximation error is adopted to minimize the influence of the modeling error and the parameter estimation error.
  18. Besides, the optimal approximation solution for generalized skew-symmetric matrices is obtained, by using the orthogonal invariance of Frobenius norm.
  19. Finally, the optimal approximation in quadratic norm method is made to obtain the value of the slope reliability.
  20. Property of Optimal Approximation for a Hermite's Function of Interpolation
  21. This paper brings in the concept of optimal approximation of polynomial in Orlicz space. It studies existence theorem on optimal approximation of polynomial in Orlicz space, and it proposes several examples.
  22. This paper presents the optimal approximation to a continuous function, from the view of functional analysis, and proposes a generalized Kalman filter signal model and recurrent formula herefrom.
  23. Based on matrix optimal approximation and weighted residuals theory, matrix approximation and extremal algorithm for resolving inverse eigenvalue problems are integrated with least squares problem under definition of different norms in this paper.
  24. In addition, the problem of using anti-symmetric and orthogonal matrices to construct the optimal approximation to a given matrix is discussed, the necessary and sufficient conditions about the problem are derived, and the expression of the solution are provided.
  25. The optimal approximation solutions of the solution set and a given matrix A~ is also considered, the numerical algorithms and numerical examples are given.
  26. The optimal approximation algorithm of feature coefficients and recognition of target
  27. The chaotic BP algorithm is applied to nonlinear system modeling to obtain the optimal approximation in the global sense.
  28. Wavelet analysis in signal processing has reached a wide range of applications, mainly due to its signal, the frequency of local analytical capacity and one-dimensional bounded optimal approximation performance category.
  29. The approach does not require the M ( q) to be known and the optimal approximation error to be square-integrable. The robust adaptive compensation term is adopted to minify the influence of modeling errors and parameter estimation errors.
  30. In this algorithm the key assumptions are that the norm of the difference ( between optimal approximation parameter vector and nominal parameter vector) and the approximation error are bounded by the unknown bounds.